Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 11

Yes, it's been a busy few days, and I'm feeling very tired at the moment, but I think there is more to it than school. I'm going to stop drinking Coke Zero, and see if that will have any effect, as I heard aspartame can do it to you, so will try that for a bit and see if it helps.

Speaking of school, the kids have gone back, they seem to be happy with their class/teacher. Braden would be happy whoever he got, he is such a happy go lucky kid, I'm thankful, because Cameron can certainly make up for it. He does seem happy with his class, and I'm quite happy with his teacher. I've already been to speak to her, and she seemed genuinely interested, asked questions, and was very approachable, so that's a great start.

I've had a couple of questions about the frames I used in a couple of my photos. I refused to pay all that money for Photoshop, just 'cause I wanted some cool edges, so I found this program, "Professor franklin's instant photo effects", it's pretty basic, but that's all I wanted. I think you will be able to download it here

So, to finish........ meet Arthur. Arthur is the culmination of weekly magazines, Funny Bones. We are now receiving the skin to put on, but I really want to sit down with the kids and look at the insides first, as it's quite difficult to put together, and once I do the skin we won't be pulling it apart all the time.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the no coke zero!!! I am a diet coke qoman, but no more than 1 a day.
It is good the boys are settling in pretty well
Great photos, I especially like the M&M's. very cool with the red background.

Vicki said...

Love the skeleton - Aaron wanted that one as well as his Horrible Science.

Anonymous said...

Funny, coz I feel tired if I DON'T drink Coke Zero! But like Yvette, I limit myself to one a day (and sometimes I go without ... shock, horror!)

Good to hear that the boys are settling in well at school.

Trace said...

Isn't he so cool! Did you all name him, or is that the name he comes with? Great photos Angela!

Anonymous said...

You are doing better with Arthur than we are. We have a box of body parts waiting to be put together. Job for next holidays.

Anonymous said...

Those frames work so well with your funky photos!
Hope you find more energy soon and that giving up the coke thing will help. My sympathy is with you! Best of luck!

Roo said...

Ooh I love that there is skin coming for Arthur - that just tickles me rofl.
Hope the boys have a good year at school

Penny said...

Poor Arthur looks like he needs fattening up! LOL! I'm glad he's getting some outer bits :)