Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Even longer.....

..... between posts.

5 sleeps and counting. Not that I'm getting excited or anything, LOL. This week is all about doing jobs around the house, and outside. Usually all the boring jobs get left till I'm on school holiday, so these holidays they have to be accomplished in 1 week, plus packing. It's all the little jobs, making sure bills are set up to be paid, cancelling the paper,......... if you think of anything remind me will ya?

I haven't taken any photos lately, nothing exciting happening. I will share a couple of pages done, trying to use up some old supplies, especially letters. I don't think I've shown the first one, I just love it so wanted to share. I've taken to doing white backgrounds lately, certainly have lots of white cardstock from my refills.

The other 2 are fairly recent, ones I've actually finished, neither are 2 exciting, but hey, they are done, oh, and I was too lazy to take the Red Hot Birthday one out of the page protector, that's why there is a glare.

Holidays? Well, kids have not been too bad.... wish they would entertain themselves instead of asking for TV all the time. I mean, as is always said, we never watched that much TV when we were little. Trying to avoid doing anything costly, as obviously these holidays are going to cost a bit, but might take them to the pools this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

hey I love those layouts. Like you I have a supply of white and black cardstock for layouts. Love the waves you created for the banana boat layout. Have you got someone to collect the mail or have you stopped it. Dont forget to turn the mains off.

Tracy said...

Love the layouts especially the fresh fruit one, the small white letters over the large green look awesome!
Enjoy your holiday!

Anonymous said...

Great layouts, I especially love that first one! Love the way you did the title.

I have found that since Ethan started school, he finds it hard to entertain himself. He is used to being constantly stimulated at school. But what has helped this week is working out an "order" for the day's activities together. Today we decided he would play for 2h while I worked, then we would make cookies, go to the gym (which he loves), have Subway for lunch, do some colouring in together, and then he could watch a DVD (while I worked). He thrives on routine so knows the order of events and seems happy enough to stick with it, instead of asking "what can I do now?" all day!

Maybe get your boys to plan out some activities and even write them up so they can cross them off?

Penny said...

my favourite is the fruit one :)

Maybe create an activity jar where they pull out something and do what is on the piece of paper? Stuff like... create a volcano, bike ride, bake some scones, play marbles/knucklebones, score 10 basketball hoops, connect four dadeeedadeeda...

Anonymous said...

Love the birthday layout :)

Do you know you can put your mail on hold via the web now?


Sharon said...

Such yummy colours on the fruit one. Awesome layouts!!

Shelley said...

Love the layouts and the fresh fruit one is definitely my favourite!

Was going to remind you about stopping your mail but someone has already done that LOL