Sunday, April 29, 2007

Nothing much exciting

- Very busy at work, stocktake coming up next weekend, so lots of extra hours preparing for that. Just got home from stocktaking the Cambridge store, so hoping the kids will co-operate tomorrow....... ooooops, today, so I can catch up.

- Soccer started Saturday, Braden had a ball, but unlike Ruth I didn't get any photos. It was actually pouring half the time, and I wondered if it was to be on, so thought I would get some photos next week when it's a bit finer.

- Kids are back at school, which Cameron is not too impressed about, although he seems to be better in himself about going to school, which makes it a lot easier on our end.

- We are starting our group back up again, for those interested in coming along to scrap. It will be the first Saturday of the month, no product for sale, just half a dozen of us having a good time, contact me, or leave a message, for more details.

Right, that's about it for me, I'd better head off to bed, try to get a bit of sleep before the house wakes up!


Anonymous said...

Wow you are up so late/early!! Yikes! Hope you have a productive day today ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy time Angela with all the stocktaking. Like the new banner and colour change.

Anonymous said...

busy busy busy. will join the scrapping group sometime soon. good to know there's a get-together happening :)

Penny said...

oue little group is back up and running too. Looking forward to it. Sometimes the only time I get anything done!!